not too much here, just some show updates.
may 19th
163 kingsboro
rochester ny
(off of scottsville rd.)
good friends with sharp boners (scissors)
queef(que) pasa
the fuck(fa)shionistas
and more, whom i stupidly can't remember at the moment.
party!! end of the year!
(this will probably be broken up real quick.)
may 21st
the bug jar
$5 over
$7 under
sleeping kings of iona
little yellow bird
(this is after the bad business show)
and the flier above is for
june 2nd
the bug jar
$5 over
$7 under
a wonderful
ladies and everyone
brian wheat
little yellow bird
grandfather clock
it's also a few days before my 21st birthday, so you can bring me lots of nice gifts. (right?)
just come and that will be enough!
in other news, it's the end of the semester and i have one huge project looming over my head. then i'm free! and college has been a real pain this year. i'll need the long break this summer. then it's time to move out of 265A perkins and into the lovely D309 apartment in the village gate. and it will be time to work a ton. save my monies. or spend them on my car/rent/beer.
this summer will be the greatest! let's hang out!